About Me

My photo
N Y C and Nashville, United States
Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. www.bikerlady.com and www.chromecowgirl.com - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.


The Hottie on the Harley is still in the running...UPDATE!

Well, further to my post this morning....looks like I'm still high five in the runnin...

I encourage your votes, my beautiful friends and family and those who love girls who ride motorcycles and the legacy of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally!

VAVAVAVote away.....www.misssturgis.com


1 comment:

IHG said...

That's awesome news! Go Sasha Go!