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N Y C and Nashville, United States
Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. www.bikerlady.com and www.chromecowgirl.com - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.


No Matter Nomadess.

It's coming up on that time again. Time to be a Nomadess, bad ass and wander free all over this great nation of ours, yes, on my motorcycle. Time to be free, deliriously free and share the joy of riding with all!!! All who want to ride ride ride, come along now, 'cause there's plenty of road out there to spare.

Why do I love to wander, wander, wander around in the sunshine, in the rainshine, in the moonshine. Whatever the climate. Except snow. I don't like to ride in snow or ice...too scary there. But, I will ride in frigid cold, oh indeed. All dressed up like a fabric snowman, plump with wool and leather. But cozy.

And these wears I will don when I head down to Daytona in a few weeks. Oh yes, bliss cruising I-95 to Daytona Beach is just around the corner. Tigerlily is in the shop getting a look over because of her engine dilemmas. Gee I sure wish I had a garage for myself. I would have tore her down and nurtured my baby alone, well, maybe with the help of Greaser Mike.

Queens County Cycle has my ride right now. The boys over there are great. Indian Larry's camp recommended me to them because the late legendary bike builder's shop is swamped with requests.

I'll pack lightly this time. Usually I carry all kinds of different shoes and clothes, and jackets. Fashionista on the run, my friends. But I feel like traveling light. I'm going to wear leather pants with chaps for the main drive and then it's a pair of spandex, a pair of old jeans, a pair of DDuke shorts. My favorite stilletto driving boots. One jacket, awe maybe two...just cause. That'll be fine.

I want to sleep under the stars one night while I'm there. I'll borrow my friend Cindy's blankees and stuff and just lay out in the yard and gaze at the universe and thank FATHER for getting me there safe and steady as she goes.

I'm hoping to sit in with a band somewhere. Jam, belt out some fun songs. We'll see what happens. I like surprises. Good surprises. Sometimes bummer surprises also lead to good surprises. But, I'd rather have bonafide good surprises, any day. Wouldn't you.

So I can't wait to be the Nomadess and wander. Have me those Waffle House cheese omelettes that keep you full for two days straight. Love them. Plus there's a few good ol' truck stops that make me smile. I love truck stops too. Reasonably priced and sometimes you'll find really good home cooking and friendly conversation....good surprises are usually hanging 'round for ya at some of the truck stops.

When I get to Daytona I'll probably go visit all my bike builder buddies, and bros and sisters that I know who go to the rally every year. I'll go out to the speed way and see my friends at the Motor Drome and then at the Buffalo Chip campground that is set up in the infield. That's going to be a tight scene for sure. Woody who runs the Chip is good people. So is his marketing guru Michael. Very kind and fun, too.

I'll mozy on down to New Smyrna and see friends over at Gilly's Pub. Then cruise down to Ponce Inlet too, to Down the Hatch and get Hatched with friends. I dig the IronHorse Saloon, good entertainment and I sure hope David Allen Coe is jamming there this year. He's terrific. The Broken Spoke, which is my second home with my bro Jay who owns the joint is where I'll hang my cowgirl hat as well.

Leah Whaley who is special events for HOG will be over at the Ocean Center and I just dig sittin with her. We have a riot time and we're long over due since we missed each other at Sturgis last year. Leah knows how to be a great HOG hostess and she keeps members surprised at every turn when she leads a HOG event or run. Indeed. I met this sister on the road years ago and we stayed tight ever since.

I think I'm only going to be in Daytona three days....due to the regular job gig that I had to take in order to patch work me through the recent projects happening. But once the projects are green lit and humming along I'll seque myself into the happy mode of full-time artist. But I must say the regular gig that I have consists of fine folks who are all trying to make their dreams come true and I'm mighty greatful to Rick the supervisor of the joint for taking me back into the fold so that I can pay me rent!!!! 'Cause I don't want to be like George Thorgood saying I can't pay the rent and split. You know. I've got the coolest landlords in NYC, they are also artists. Very kind and loving and let me tell you they have been here and watched my back during all these lean times and my craving for wandering all over on my motorcycle, thus placing odd folks in my home to sublet. Oh they are the best.

Well, I hope to see some of you on the beach somewhere. If you see me on the highway cruising either on the way or coming home from the rally, say howdy.

Love to all and God bless you with lots of happy days.

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