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N Y C and Nashville, United States
Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. www.bikerlady.com and www.chromecowgirl.com - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.


Keith Knudsen - Rhythm of Perfection.

Well, I just received word that Keith Knudsen, drummer of the Doobie Brothers has passed into Jesus' arms.

I had the pleasure of knowing Keith for a few years but hadn't seen him in over a year. What a wonderful person. A gentle rhythm of perfection. Perfection as a person who allowed his humble presence to be an inspiration to others through the gift of music.

Dear Keith:
Thank you for the enormous gift of music that you shared with your fans and your family. I was honored to know you and at one time considered you a friend.

As I would watch you interact with folks, you were always so friendly and kind to anyone who approached you. I found this to be a great gift because, as a well known artist, it is very important that you share and be accessible so others feel inspired to chase their dreams.

It makes me wonder how many fantastic drummers you had inspired over the years of your public craft. What a blessing indeed. Your spirit lives on in the music you recorded, the gift of music you shared, and the love that you gave as a good soul.

Your wife Katie and daughter Dayna sparkle with your loving energy. You are a darling soul and I certainly wish I could have spent more time speaking with you. Rest in peace, sweet man.

God bless you, dear.

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