About Me

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N Y C and Nashville, United States
Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. www.bikerlady.com and www.chromecowgirl.com - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.


Tuned In

"Nothing can come into our experience unless it finds something in us with which it is attuned...." e. fox

Are you tuned in? Cool. I began to contemplate the thought of being tuned in, or tuned out. So, my mind spun a symphony of thoughts. About being tuned.

Everyone of us is like a fine-tuned instrument. When you play life in tune, it's a jam fest like never before, especially if everyone else is in tune. Dialed into the harmony.

But a bunch of folks walk around way out of tune. Strings broken, loose, too tight. They're not in tune. So they tune out. If you tune out, then you're only jammin through life to a real ugly tone, real ugly melody, well, there wouldn't be a melody. You'd have no song. If you're tuned out, you're missing out.

Everybody has there own song, too, when they are tuned in. Sometimes, though, we get out of tune. We experience those days and times when nothing seems right. We get in a jam, but not the kind of jam where it's a sweet gathering of great tones and tunes.

I have this new thing where I like to be tuned in to my life. I like the concept of being tuned in, because we are instruments, after all, like I said. Tuned in is to be utterly aware of your surroundings, goals, relationships with people, places, nature, well, everything.

I wake up in the morning and I have to check my tuning. I want to be tuned in. Be the unique instrument, producing the unique song that God sang me into creation with. I'm a movement in that grand symphony that God masterminded...so I've got to be tuned in with the entire orchestra: the brotherhood and sisterhood playing their parts in the whole of the symphony, including nature as a whole.

In addition to being tuned into others, I want to be tuned into my heartfelt desires, that soul calling, the purpose of why I'm hanging out in this music jam called EARTH. We're all instruments. Instruments that need to be in tune with one another, with nature, with ourselves, and most especially in tune with our CREATOR.

...stay TUNED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mate

Thanks for posting your blog, it has helped me see things in my life in a more fulfilling perspective and i'm positive others who read this blog will say the same thing too!

Thanks cherub,
