About Me

My photo
N Y C and Nashville, United States
Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. www.bikerlady.com and www.chromecowgirl.com - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.


recording final vocals 4 my forthcoming motorcycle single @ a studio on the jersey shore.


How Twitter connects RIDERS!

Read here: http://worldrider.com/blog/archives/2008/09/nashville_chrom.php

This is Alan Karl's wonderful blog site about his WORLD TRIP covering 62,000 miles. We met on Twitter! He happened to be in NASHVILLE and I happened to be twittering and found him by Godincidence. COOL!

: ) I love TWITTER!

labels: chrome cowgirl, sasha mullins, worldrider, alan karl, bikerlady, motorcycles


To all my wonderful gearhead friends, kustom kar lovers, bikers, truckers, and road lovin' sons and daughters. A free gift for you dear ones! My brand new song Ridelicious is FREE!

Rock that Throttle!

<a href="http://motoroadeommc.bandcamp.com/track/ridelicious-single">Ridelicious (single) by Sasha &amp; Motoroadeo MMC</a>