Boy or boy, am I a lucky girl! Yesterday I started recording some tracks with Trevor Finaly, a blues artist from Canada who has moved to Nashville. He is one fine player and thoroughly entertaining as a sidekick writer to my eccentric writing style. Trevor and Josee, his manager, paid a visit to my funky artist pad here on the river in Nashville and together with my Patrick we began recording a new tune which you will all love. I'll post it to myspace in the next week or so.
What I love about working with Trevor is that he has an infinite amount of ideas and he is an exceptional guitar player, too. He can sing the heck out of a blues tune and his own set of songs carry you away == you just get lost in the music. Collaborating on this latest project has been really expansive for my artistic soul. Today I will be singing the song. Right now, I'm working on the drums and percussion. Then on Wednesday, Trevor will come back to the studio and we'll lay down his vocals and lead guitars. We're also going to add a burning fiddle track and some piano. HOT!
I hope all of you are out there following your dreams no matter what. Remember that even in this super tough economy, you all have your God given gifts as precious, gifted souls with an abundance of love and intoxicating purpose. Lift up your hearts and forget about the money. Yeah we all need some and it is scarce, so enjoy the little things that give you extreme pleasure and get lost in those little things that are so very the coo of a baby, the antics of a silly pet, the loving gaze of your lover, the food on your table, the love of family and friends. Throw a party and have a pot luck dinner called "Up Your Luck" instead of Down on your luck.... invite everybody you know to your house and break bread together and enjoy the companionship. Play great music and play fun games like Pictionary...and Life or Twister. Let's get back to the basics and enjoy the little things.
TAGS: chrome cowgirl, bikerlady, down the road a peace, motorcycles, female motorcyclist
About Me
- S a s h a
- N Y C and Nashville, United States
- Hippie, Gypzy, Biker Chixie. Yep, that's me. and - my websites and I welcome your comments in this blog called Down the Road a Peace. Because, after all "do you wanna a peace of me?" : ) I'd love to hear your thoughts, so share them here. Personalize the topic and make it your own by sharing your own experience relative to the topic at hand, or let's create a new topic. U R Loved by Me.
2009 - time to shine.
2009 is the year to tend to the main flame.
2009 is the time to shine.
the main flame is truth and passion. listening to the heart.
being true to yourself is to shine.
we all face enormous challenges now and ahead. but in the moment is peace in the midst of the chaos. this is not fruity talk or empty spiritual spits. this is the truth.
no matter how much you owe in bills, no matter how much you hate to lose the house you love because you can't afford it anymore. no matter how much you hate to sell the bike or the car. . .
you have a flame inside of you burning...always shining in the darkness.
and that flame is the key to living your truth and passion. that flame is strength and it belongs to you and no thing or person can take it away.
sometimes, the fire dies away and is reduced to little more than ash. you curl up to kindle it and find solace in sleep. that's okay.
just don't turn to the hopelessness of drugs and alchohol because that will extinquish the flame. turn within and know that there is a flame of truth burning within and 2009 is your time to shine...
this has nothing to do with money
this has nothing to do with fame
it has everything to do with finding peace within, in the midst of chaos.
it has everything to do with living smart
it has everything to do with understanding that freedom is found in reducing debt and less material things in life
free to be
free to shine
free to stoke the fire within
take your logs of desires and feed the flame.
take your fiery hope and pour some liquid gladness on it
so that your flame burns high and bright for all to see
and be still
and know deep within
that you rock. because you are the rock of CREATION.
2009 is your time to shine.
tags: sasha mullins, chrome cowgirl, bikerlady
2009 is the time to shine.
the main flame is truth and passion. listening to the heart.
being true to yourself is to shine.
we all face enormous challenges now and ahead. but in the moment is peace in the midst of the chaos. this is not fruity talk or empty spiritual spits. this is the truth.
no matter how much you owe in bills, no matter how much you hate to lose the house you love because you can't afford it anymore. no matter how much you hate to sell the bike or the car. . .
you have a flame inside of you burning...always shining in the darkness.
and that flame is the key to living your truth and passion. that flame is strength and it belongs to you and no thing or person can take it away.
sometimes, the fire dies away and is reduced to little more than ash. you curl up to kindle it and find solace in sleep. that's okay.
just don't turn to the hopelessness of drugs and alchohol because that will extinquish the flame. turn within and know that there is a flame of truth burning within and 2009 is your time to shine...
this has nothing to do with money
this has nothing to do with fame
it has everything to do with finding peace within, in the midst of chaos.
it has everything to do with living smart
it has everything to do with understanding that freedom is found in reducing debt and less material things in life
free to be
free to shine
free to stoke the fire within
take your logs of desires and feed the flame.
take your fiery hope and pour some liquid gladness on it
so that your flame burns high and bright for all to see
and be still
and know deep within
that you rock. because you are the rock of CREATION.
2009 is your time to shine.
tags: sasha mullins, chrome cowgirl, bikerlady
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